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News and Articles Archives | Page 56 of 57 | AG Skupina

News and Articles

The Slovenian Delegation Will Visit the Headquarters of the America’s Leading High-tech Companies in the Silicon Valley

At the invitation of AmCham, the delegation from Slovenia will visit the headquarters of such companies as Uber, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, IBM, LinkedIn, Teslo, Celtro and the Stanford University.

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Slovenia Is the Leader in Terms of Industrial Production Growth in the EU

On the average annual level, Slovenia showed a 7.4% growth in industrial production, which was the best result among the EU countries. On the average monthly level, its figure was 1.2%.

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More Opportunities for Slovenian Companies than Ever

The Chinese place stake on consumers and high technologies, which opens up new possibilities for Slovenian exporters. Each year Slovenia and China strengthen their interstate economic relations. Since the 2009 recession year until today, the exchange of goods between the two countries has more than doubled, while this year it may exceed 1 billion euros.

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An Apartment in Slovenia for 25,000 Euros? It Is Difficult, but Possible

In Laško, a 1-bedroom apartment that requires repair is available for 8,800 euros, and a 4-bedroom apartment in Pomurje (Eastern Slovenia) costs up to 22,000 euros. Ljubljana. When viewing sites with colourful photos of first- and second-hand real estate, it is possible to get a quick impression on that there is no opportunity to find
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Imports and Exports Increased in June 2016

The coverage of imports by exports amounted to 108.6%. In June, Slovenia exported goods worth 2.21 billion euros, which is 2.7% more than in June last year. On the other hand, it has imported products worth 2.03 billion euros, which is 2.2% more than last year. According to the Statistics Office, the final coverage of

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