Language courses

Learn Slovenian or English from top language coaching experts!

AG Skupina organizes English and Slovenian language courses taught by qualified and experienced tutors. Choose to study in the morning or in the evenings, ONLINE and anywhere and anytime, as we have courses at all levels – from beginners to advanced.

Our courses are designed for the following people:

  • students applying to university programs taught in English or Slovenian, either in Slovenia or other European countries
  • foreign citizens moving to Slovenia and English-speaking countries for work or business
  • reuniting family members that want to facilitate their adaptation in advance
  • high school students and adults

Slovenian language courses

Slovenian is considered one of the most diverse Slavic languages in the world. And whether you are learning Slovenian for the first time or you are almost fluent, at AG Skupina you will find courses suited to your level and interests. Learning Slovenian will be enjoyable, effective, and rewarding. Our unique approach encourages continuous progression with a clear path to improve language skills. These courses will help you improve proficiency in Slovenian and gain the confidence to achieve your professional and personal goals.

The courses are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia.

The courses are taught by a native speaker.

We offer the following types of courses:

  • А1, 50 hours, 240€ – group starts 19.03.2025
  • А2, 50 hours, 240€ – group starts 27.02.2025
  • В1, 120 hours, 450€ – group starts 21.01.2025
  • В2, 120 hours, 450€ – group starts 07.05.2025


  • Intensive course, 100 hours – 600 €, summer 2024

For signing in, please, contact us on:
English language courses

Being proficient in the English language can prove to be vital in today’s world – a language is spoken in more than 100 countries. With AG Skupina’s English courses you can increase your opportunities for study and work at home or internationally. And we know that learning English can be challenging, but our courses are designed to be enjoyable and make the learning process as simple and easy as possible. These courses can help you improve your English grammar, composition, and conversational skills to achieve your personal and career goals.

The courses are taught by qualified and experienced tutors.

Choose how you want to learn English online:

  1. Online 50 hours for 200 EUR

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