
Slovenia’s Brands to Take Part in SHOPS 1st TRY 2018

The registration for SHOPS 1st TRY 2018 is now open. SHOPS 1st TRY 2018 is the on-snow demo for the Germanic region based in Alpachtal, Austria. The 2017 event hosted 160 retailers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with 27 retailers from other countries, such as Slovenia, Belgium, Finland, UK, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden.

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Japanese Company Sumitomo Rubber to Launch a New Plant in Slovenia for 34 Million Euros

The Sumitomo Rubber Industries from Japan made a statement about launching a new manufacturing facility to produce rubber parts for medical purposes in central Slovenia. The investment project is worth 34 million euros. The new plant will operate as a subsidiary of Switzerland-based Lonstroff acquired by Sumitomo Rubber in January 2015. It is planned that

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Hong Kong – Slovenia: Contemporary Platform for Business Development

Nowadays, China gains an increasing attention of the world community demonstrating its innovative Belt and Road Initiative. Hong Kong appears to be the super-connector in this global strategy, and thus should not be neglected. For many years, Hong Kong has been playing a role of the world’s financial centre and the leader in global business

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Hidria Receives the PSA Best Plant 2017 Award as the Best PSA Peugeot Citroen Supplier

The French multinational corporation, PSA Peugeot Citroen, granted the PSA Best Plant 2017 award to Hidria and its subsidiary Hidria AET for the best supplier. PSA Peugeot Citroen is one of the hugest car manufacturers in the world. It presents this award to those supplying companies that manage to deliver the highest quality level. The

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Pipistrel Conquers Another Height

With each year, the Slovenia’s producer of light aircrafts conquers new horizons of development flying higher and higher in the sector of aircraft engineering. Last year, the Pipistrel Company signed a half billion euros worth contract with its Chinese partner thus managing to accelerate its already rapid pace of development. Pipistrel and Uber entered into

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