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News | Page 47 of 61 | AG Skupina



Competitiveness of Slovenia in 2017

Competitiveness is one of the most typical Slovenian characters. The Slovenes adore competing and surely take top places in a large variety of rankings. One of the best proofs of this fact are the extraordinary achievements made by the sport champions of the young nation. For example, on a per capita basis, Slovenia is among

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Slovenia's jobless

Unemployment Rate in Slovenia Drops Down by 14.3% to 87,655 Persons in May

Ljubljana — According to the Statistics Service, at the end of May, 87,655 people were registered in Slovenia as unemployed. The data provided by the Employment Service shows that this figure is 3.8% lower than in April and 14.3% fewer than in May 2016. In total, 5,210 persons registered for the first time in the

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Lipica – the birthplace of the Lipizzaner

Lipica – the birthplace of the Lipizzaner

Lipica is a tiny settlement in the Municipality of Sežana, the Western Slovenia. It features a long-lasting tradition of Lipizzaner breeding. The Lipica Stud Farm was founded by the Habsburg Archduke Charles II in the Lipica village over 430 years ago and has flourished significantly ever since. This small village has become one of the

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The International Wild Flower Festival in Bohinj

Bohinj — This year, Bohinj hosts the International Wild Flower Festival. For the eleventh year in a row, this festival has been considered a certain introduction to the starting summer season. In 2017, Slovenia has prepared a number of novelties for its tourists, such as a dispersed hotel model. The Bohinj officials plan to surprise

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Slovenia Features the Highest (Almost 5) Share of Beekeepers per 1,000 People in Europe

Ljubljana — The Statistical Office of Slovenia presents the initiative on proclaiming 20 May as the World Bee Day. It was preliminary adopted by the United Nations in Brussels in May this year. The Slovenian officials expect that the World Bee Day will be officially proclaimed in autumn this year and its first official celebration

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