Slovenia for Israeli Citizens

Citizens of the countries making part of the OECD and EFTA economic partnerships have the right to acquire real estate in Slovenia for themselves as individuals and thereon to obtain a residence permit in Slovenia. Let us look at the advantages of this procedure, its requirements, and the possibilities to further expand the interpretation of the law.

Foremost, not all foreigners have the right to register real estate in Slovenia for themselves. The majority of foreigners can perform this procedure only through a legal entity. Therefore, registering a company is often the first step for foreigners when moving to Slovenia. Further, such a company acquires real estate (residential or commercial) as an investment path for a subsequent residence permit. At the same time, such real estate becomes the main means for the company’s operation, i.e., subsequently brings income to the company.

Israeli citizens, thanks to the country’s membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), have the right to acquire real estate for themselves, for example, as a personal housing for subsequent residence. By law, thanks to the Israeli passport and the presence of a residence address, an Israeli has the right to request a residence permit in Slovenia.


Requirements for Obtaining a Residence Permit?

Confirmed residential address in Slovenia.

Financial guarantees for all family members who plan to move to Slovenia.

Health insurance covering life in Slovenia.

Police clearance certificate from the country of citizenship.

* This is a mandatory list of documents, however, in each individual case, other documents may be included in this package at the request of the officer managing your case, or in connection with your individual situation.



Submission of documents and fingerprinting for the first residence permit shall be conducted in the country of your citizenship (unless otherwise provided by current changes in legislation).

Waiting for a decision can last on average about 3 months, depending on the city of Slovenia where your case is being considered.


Useful additional Information

Having an address for living in Slovenia can be ensured not only by owning a personal apartment or a house. The fulfilment of such a condition can be a long-term lease, which will show the administrative authorities your intentions to move to this country for a long time and link your future plans with it. If Slovenia is the centre of your vital interests, you are always more likely to receive approval for the issuance of a residence permit.

The first residence permit of an Israeli citizen, if all the necessary requirements are met, can be obtained for 1 year. Subsequent extensions will already be for a longer period.

Do not forget that Israelis can participate in all other immigration programmes available to other foreigners:

Business Immigration is an opportunity to open your own company, fulfil the condition of your business activity and be employed with your company in order to develop your own business.

Employment with a Slovenian Company you must have a work contract for at least 1 year, with a monthly salary and an official consent to your employment from the Slovenian Employment Service.

Blue Card employment in a Slovenian company as a highly qualified specialist with a contract for at least 2 years and a high salary.

Education in Slovenia this path is available to all foreigners from the age of 6 to infinity. At each level of the Slovenian educational system, foreign students have the right to receive their residence permit on the basis of enrolment in an educational institution of Slovenia.

Reunion with a Family Member who already lives in Slovenia.


If you have any questions about the residence permit in Slovenia for citizens of Israel, or you doubt that it is available to you, sign up for a free first consultation by phone +386 69 746 354 or by e-mail