News and Articles

Salonit Anhovo Receives EBRD Reward for its Achievements in Sustainable Energy

Salonit Anhovo, a Slovenian manufacturer of cement, received the bronze Sustainable Energy Award from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for its achievements in this industry sector. The Company had made a significant progress in transforming solid non-hazardous waste into a sustainable source of energy. Salonit is currently conducting a series of tests

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Summer in Ljubljana Full of Cultural Events

LJUBLJANA — Summer in Ljubljana offers a bright, culturally coloured programme, where everyone can find interesting activities according to personal artistic tastes. The 65th Ljubljana Festival has already become the highlight of this summer. It is considered to be one of the greatest summer festivals around Europe, full of excellent performances and exceptional talents. The

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HSE Group Completes 2016 with 21.7 Million Euros Net Profit

In 2016, The Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) Group with 1.2 billion euros in revenues, which is 2.6% less than a year earlier, improved the debt structure. The debt to banks at the end of 2016 was 12% lower than at the end of 2015. The net debt amounted to 816 million euros. Termoelektrarna Šoštanj, being

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Ljubljana Enters the List of Seven Green Technologies to Shape Future Lifestyle

LJUBLJANA — The Virgin International website included Ljubljana into the list of seven green technologies, which will shape our future lifestyle. Such decision is based on the Urbana card—an eco-solution developed in Ljubljana to implement environmentally friendly transport. The European green capital 2016 takes the fourth place in the list of the most ecologically sustainable

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Foreign Direct Investments in Slovenia Increase by 1.3 Billion Euros

According to annual reports of enterprises for 2016, foreign direct investment in Slovenia amounted to 12.9 billion euros (32.6% of GDP), which is 1.3 billion euros more than a year ago. The greatest growth in foreign investment in Slovenia was recorded in the sphere of financial and insurance services (+0.9 billion euros), as well as

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