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The Environment in Slovenia is Constantly Improving

Since 25 November, the draft report on the state of the environment has been presented for the public discussion. It reports that the sound environmental policy coupled with the tightening of the environmental legislation have significantly improved the state of the environment. The emissions of certain pollutants into the atmosphere have reduced, the waste management

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Pulp and Paper Industry and its Role in the Circular Economy

Pulp and paper industry of Slovenia is developing dynamically, combining a high pace of growth and compliance with the leading environmental standards. The stable nature of production is recognized at the state level as well. Pulp and paper industry plays an important role in the strategic program of Slovenia’s transition to the circular economy. This

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The Right to Drinking Water Will Be Added to the Constitution of Slovenia

Sixty-four deputies of the Slovenian Parliament supported the introduction of the right to drinking water into the Constitution of Slovenia. Thus, Slovenia has become the second EU member state, after Slovakia, to guarantee a human right to drinking water at the constitutional level.

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Economic Climate in Slovenia Increasingly Improves

The Slovenia’s economy returned to its pre-crisis state (May 2008). The economic climate indicator in November reached 8%, as close as possible to the data of May 2008, when it made 8.6%, according to the Statistics Service. Average indicators of the economic climate index rose by 1%, while the average annual growth is estimated at

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Janez Demšar: Umetna inteligenca je samo igra številk

“Vsaka tehnologija je res uporabna takrat, ko je več ne opazimo. Tudi umetno inteligenco opazimo vedno manj,” je prepričan Janez Demšar. Na podkastu Številke ta teden govorimo o umetni inteligenci (UI). Umetna inteligenca je računski postopek Laična javnost tudi zaradi vplivov filmske industrije UI pogosto povezuje z uničenjem človeške vrste. Strokovnjaki na to gledajo precej drugače oziroma z besedami Janeza

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