Foreign Direct Investments in Slovenia Increase by 1.3 Billion Euros

According to annual reports of enterprises for 2016, foreign direct investment in Slovenia amounted to 12.9 billion euros (32.6% of GDP), which is 1.3 billion euros more than a year ago. The greatest growth in foreign investment in Slovenia was recorded in the sphere of financial and insurance services (+0.9 billion euros), as well as in processing industry (+0.4 billion euros).

Direct investment abroad grows as well. At the end of 2016, its volume reached 5.7 billion euros (14.4% of GDP). This is 200 million euros more than a year earlier.

The largest market outlet is the EU. The exports from Slovenia to Germany, Italy and Croatia have grown significantly. The import segment records an increase in supplies from Germany and Italy. Among other countries, Russia can be distinguished. Above 40% more goods and services have been exported to Russia as compared to the same period last year.

The volume of Slovenian exports in late May 2017 was 11.5 billion euros. This is 1.2 billion euros more than for the same period last year. The largest market is Germany, to which, until the end of May, goods and services worth 2.3 billion euros were exported.

With an increase in imports by 11.7% for the first 5 months of 2017, the trade balance amounted to 620 million euros. At the same time, Slovenia exported more than it imported. The exports exceeded imports by 106%.

The economy of Slovenia continues to show a surplus. For 5 months of this year, it increased by 1,025,000,000 euros. At the same time, as compared to the previous year, the surplus in goods sales fell by 124 million euros, while the surplus in selling services grew by 119 million euros, mainly due to the export of transport and tourist services. In general, the positive balance in the service sector made a record of 940 million euros in late May 2017.
