In 2016 the Value of Industrial Production in Slovenia Increased by 6.6%

In 2016, the value of industrial production in Slovenia increased by 6.6% as compared to 2015. The main credit for this belongs to the manufacturing companies, whose production increased by 8%.

In December 2016, industrial production continued to grow (+1.3% on the average monthly level). As noted in the Statistics Service, the industry revenues at an average annual level increased by 5.8%. In foreign markets, they increased by 8.9%, while in the domestic market they fell by 6.5%.

In the process manufacturing industry, the average level of production increased by 8%, in the mining industry — by 2.3%, while in the energy sector a decrease by 5.3% was recorded as compared to 2015.

The most significant growth in industrial production value was recorded in the segment of durable consumer goods — by 16%, followed by capital goods (+15%).

Industrial activity in December 2016, as compared to November, increased by 1.3%, which the Statistics Service largely explains by the positive dynamics of production growth within the process manufacturing industry.

Industry revenues in December 2016 rose by 1.3% on average monthly level. The growth in the segment of capital goods is the highest — by 6.4%.

The Statistical Service states that in December 2016, the total value of shares at the average monthly level did not differ significantly from the November figure. It grew by 0.1%. However, its growth on an average annual level is more significant — by 6.8%.
