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News | Page 37 of 61 | AG Skupina


Industrial Output of Slovenia Grows by More Than 7% in the First Half of 2017

The Statistics Office reports that the industrial output of Slovenia grew by 7.2% at the yearly level during the first six months of 2017. The pace of turnover expansion is a bit slower and makes 7.1% on a year-on-year bases. During the January-June period, the level of industrial output grew in all sectors of industry,

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The First Internet of Things Is Launched in Slovenia

The first LoRaWAN network is set up in Slovenia. Solvera Lynx, a provider of energy industry solutions, has launched the first LoRaWAN-based Internet of Things (IOT) in Slovenia. This network has already been expanded to the major Slovenian cities and will soon cover the whole territory of the country. Representatives of the company mention that

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Hotel Managers Are More Than Satisfied with This Year’s Season

All hotels located in Portorož are happy with the summer season. The seaside resort of Slovenia is packed with visitors who have occupied all available rooms to the brim. The Hoteli Bernardin and Hoteli LifeClass hotel operators have registered a significant growth in the number of visitors as compared to the last year’s season. Hoteli

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Slovenia Attends the Virtuso Travel Week in Las Vegas

This week Slovenia takes part in the largest luxury travel event, which is held in Las Vegas, Nevada from 12 to 18 August. The Slovenian Tourism Board (STO) send its representatives to promote luxury tourism in the USA. They will join a group of more than 5,000 experts in tourism industry to promote Slovenia as

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Telecommunications in Slovenia – Statistics and Analyses. Government of Slovenia Initiates 5G Testing

The current report on the Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband and Digital Media Services in Slovenia offers a detailed analysis of the main telecommunication services and markets in the country. Telekom Slovenije keeps dominating the fixed-line telecom market in Slovenia. The Company has recently expanded its business interests and shorten the reliance pure telecom services, thus increasing

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