Restrictions planned for Christmas in Slovenia

The government on Saturday revealed a mix of relaxed and tightened restriction planned for Christmas. Generally, restrictions will either be relaxed of tightened depending on the epidemiological situation and may be extended into the New Year’s holiday.

© Sapan Patel from Unsplash

The plan is the complete closure between 24 December and 4 January of all services activities where there is direct contact with consumers; if the epidemiological situation does not improve, the closure will be in effect until 10 January.

The same applies to shops, with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies, shops selling medical devices, petrol stations, postal and delivery services, selected therapeutic services, and deliveries of food or other goods.

As for relaxed measures, the government has decided that the ban on gatherings will be eased on 24 and 25 December to allow up to six persons from a maximum of two households to gather privately.

On those two days, between noon on 24 December and 8pm on 25 December, people will also be allowed to leave their municipality and region for visits.

If the epidemiological situation improves or remains stable, the same regime would apply on 31 December and 1 January.

All other restrictions remain in place, including the ban on public gatherings and prohibition of the sale and use of fireworks.
