Slovak Cities for Your Business

Bratislava is not only the capital but also the largest city in Slovakia. From an economic point of view, it is the most developed region of the Slovak Republic. The majority of foreign enterprises and their branches are located here.

©Alexandre Desbos from Unsplash

A little more than 430 thousand people live in Bratislava. From a technical point of view, the best living infrastructure has been created here, including transport and medical care. This is the richest region of the country. Bratislava accounts for more than a quarter of the total GDP of Slovakia.

Any foreigner can purchase real estate in Slovakia. This is a popular type of investment made by citizens of Russia, the UAE, England, Germany, and other countries. Over 58% of all real estate transactions in Slovakia in 2020 were made in Bratislava.

Bratislava is the industrial centre of Slovakia. Almost 70% of the entire production of the Volkswagen Concern is located here. Besides, the largest service centres of IBM, Lenovo, DELL and other international companies are concentrated in Bratislava. At the same time, Bratislava is a large seaport on the Danube.

Slovaks consider family and personal life a priority for themselves. They love sports and try to spend time in nature on weekends and holidays. There are many parks, of both mountain and city type, in Bratislava. You can find here even the Little Carpathians. There are many opportunities for investors to create new entertainment locations and sports recreation.

Talking about its location, Bratislava stands on the very border with Austria (and is just an hour’s drive from Vienna) and Hungary, being the only capital in the world bordering two states at the same time. This location plays a critical role in international communications and for the development of companies with extensive partner and branch networks.

Avtor: AG Skupina