Slovenia Makes an Extraordinary Jump in Passenger Traffic in April

BRUSSELS — The European Airport Trade Association (ACI Europe) has recently published its new traffic report for April 2017 indicating the current performance of airport traffic in Europe. According to the ACI Europe report, 22 European countries feature a two-digit growth in passenger traffic, 11 of which, including Slovenia, have surpassed the 20% growth level: Bulgaria (+51%), Belgium (+45.4%), Croatia (+34.1%), Romania (+32%), Slovenia (+31.5%), Cyprus (+29.7%), Czech Republic (+29.3%), Portugal (27.9%), Malta (+26.6%), Luxembourg (+21.6%), and Poland (+21.3%). It is noted that the extraordinary jump in passenger traffic of Slovenia, as well as other EU countries, in April is caused by high demand and one-off factors. The Airport Traffic Report issued by ACI Europe used data from 241 airports in total, which covers over 88% of all air passenger traffic in Europe.

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