The 16th European Mobility Week Is Held in Slovenia Between 16 and 22 September

Shared mobility is a new convenient means to lower environmental pollution and facilitates the life of contemporary city dwellers. This year, the 16th European Mobility Week is held in many Slovenian cities and towns from 16 to 22 September. It will finish on Friday, 22 September, with the Car Free Day. The central theme of the current Mobility Week is ‘Clean, Shared and Intelligent Mobility’, which, along with the event slogan ‘Sharing Gets You Further’, promotes the shared mobility culture, thus contributing to a decrease of the environmental pollution. Currently, there are three main patterns of transport sharing: bikeshare, carshare, and carpooling. According to these mobility programmes, each person can easily rent or share a car or a bicycle to move around the city or travel to a near town. People arrange mobility communities at their workplace, in an educational institution or on special Internet platforms. Such transport schemes are already available in Ljubljana, Murska Sobota, Maribor, Kranj and some other Slovenian cities. However, despite various options, car still remains the most popular means of passenger transport in Slovenia.

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