Adecco Survey: The Unemployment Rate in the Country to Decline

While the employment growth in Slovenia shows the highest rates in the last 20 years, employers in almost all sectors of the economy are faced with a shortage of qualified personnel. These are the data of the survey conducted by Adecco.

According to experts, over the past 4 years, the total number of unemployed persons has decreased from 112,700 people to 78,500 people. By 2020, this figure is projected to be 69,300 people. At the same time, the possibilities of changing jobs are expanding, and employers have to make more efforts to retain their specialists.

The most requested occupations in the Slovenian labour market are manufacturing workers, truckers, bricklayers, logisticians, cleaners, tourism workers, cooks, welders, fitters, electricians, health care professionals, and social workers.

At the level of specialists with secondary vocational education, programmers, sales managers, financiers, and engineering professions are also required. Thus, for example, according to the Director of Nieros Metal from Slovenj Gradec (Carinthia region), Denis Kramljak, the “personnel pool” in the metal-working industry is empty.

It is worth noting that according to the Employment Service, in October 2018, the average unemployment rate in the country was 7.9%. Meanwhile, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in the Prekmurje region — 12.4%.
