News and Articles

Slovenia and Croatia Implement Cross-Border Cooperation Projects

As part of the Interreg Slovenija-Hrvaška 2014–2020 programme, 38 projects are being implemented with the participation of 230 partners from both countries. The total budget for the programme is over 46 million euros. The funds are provided by the European Regional Development Foundation. The projects cover the following areas: protection and preservation of the environment

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In 2023, Slovenia Can Become a Full Member of the European Space Agency

The Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek met with the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA) Johann-Dietrich Wörner to discuss the possibility of granting Slovenia the status of a full member of ESA from 2023. Slovenia has been an associate member of this organization since December 2016. The membership is valid

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Slovenia Retains the 37th Place in the IMD World Competitiveness Ranking

According to the latest data of the IMD World Competitiveness Ranking, Slovenia ranks 37th as in 2018. As compared to 2014, Slovenia has improved its position by 18 points. Photo: Shutterstock/mrmohock The ranking is published annually by the Swiss International Management Development Institute. Slovenia has the highest rates in public administration and entrepreneurship. According to

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The Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia Pays an Official Visit to Slovenia

On Tuesday, 28 May 2019, President Borut Pahor met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Zoran Zajev, who paid an official visit to Slovenia. Photo: Shutterstock/Esfera During the negotiations, President Pahor and Prime Minister Zajev confirmed friendly relations between the two countries. Among other things, Borut Pahor noted that Macedonia is

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The Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank Approves a Loan of 250 Million Euros to Slovenia

In mid-May, the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank approved a loan of 250 million euros to Slovenia for the construction of a second railway line between Divača station and the Port of Koper. This fact is a significant step towards the completion of the financial project plan estimated at 1.2 billion euros.

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