Excellent Relations Between Slovenia and Italy and Great Prospects for Improvement

Italy is the second largest trading partner of Slovenia, right after Germany. As for the cooperation in tourism sector, Italy remains the key partner for Slovenia since tourists from Italy make every fourth overnight stay in Slovenia. With the development of foreign investments, Italy takes the fifth place, reaching total value of 842 million euros or 7.3% of all Slovenia’s inward FDI. The overall trade capacity between Slovenia and Italy annually makes about 6.5 billion euros. This indicator has been steady for the past several years. Since Slovenia is considered to be a strong exporter, the trade ratio between Slovenia and Italy is unbalanced. The total value of Slovenian exports to Italy is estimated at about 2.7 billion euros, while imports make 3.7 billion euros. Therefore, it can be stated that almost 11% of all Slovenia’s exports is Italy oriented. At the same time, the share of Italian exports to Slovenia makes 15%. Even though the current figures are relatively high, these two countries still have a world of unexplored opportunities in commercial sector.

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