In 2018, the Luka Koper Group significantly increased its revenues and profits, generating 226 million euros in sales revenues, which is 7% more than in 2017. The net profit increased by 71% and amounted to 60 million euros, and operating profit grew by 90% (up to 70 million euros). The port’s annual cargo turnover reached a record 24 million tons in history, exceeding the 2017 figure by 3%.
Photo: © Freepik/@photoangel
Container freight traffic grew by 8% to 988,000 units (TEU), and the freight turnover of vehicles increased by 2% (to 754,000 vehicles). Growth in annual turnover is recorded for all groups of goods, with the exception of liquid cargo.
It should be added that last year the group allocated 16 million euros for investments. The number of the group employees grew by 12% and amounted to 1,242 people.