News and Articles

Regions of Slovakia for Your Business

We have already started this section with a detailed story about Bratislava. © Mohammed Thoufik from Unsplash This time we give information about other cities and regions of Slovakia that may be promising for running your own business. Košice is a city in the east of Slovakia, near the border with Hungary. The second largest

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Slovak Cities for Your Business

Bratislava is not only the capital but also the largest city in Slovakia. From an economic point of view, it is the most developed region of the Slovak Republic. The majority of foreign enterprises and their branches are located here. ©Alexandre Desbos from Unsplash A little more than 430 thousand people live in Bratislava. From

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Slovenian record holder on Kickstarter

If you were told that bird feeders could be an impactful business, you would probably just laugh. Slovenian entrepreneurs have proven just the opposite, the smart bird feeder Bird Buddy became the new record holder on Kickstarter in just a few days. © Boris Smokrovic from Unsplash Kickstarter, an online platform for collecting donations for

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About Slovenia

In some of our posts, we have already written that Slovenia is the main country where we offer services for business immigration as well as for admission to various educational institutions – universities and colleges. Why is Slovenia worth considering for achievement of your personal goals? ©Ales Krivec from Unsplash To explain this, let us

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Slovenia adopted new economic stimulus package

The Slovenian government recently adopted the new stimulus package – direct support for groups including pensioners, students, and those with lowest wages along with aid for companies. The package is estimated at around EUR 550 million. © CDC from Unsplash This is how groups will receive the governmental support: All employees with wages up to

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