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The “Melania Trump Effect” Has a Positive Impact on Tourism in Slovenia

The current election campaign in the United States had some influence on Slovenia. Why? Because the current wife of the Republican candidate Donald Trump is a Slovene. Since higher public attention has been drawn to her husband, Melania Trump herself has become a prominent public figure. Many Americans wondered in what country Trump’s spouse had

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Export of Slovenian Products to China Is Growing

The Minister of Agriculture Dejan Židan and the Minister for Food Safety of China Zhi Shuping agreed to draw up a memorandum for the simplification of Slovenian food import procedures to China.

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Prospects of the Slovenian and Chinese Cooperation

At the Agricultural Fair in Kunming, the Minister of Agriculture of Slovenia Dejan Židan said that the Trade and Economic Forum 2017 would be held in Slovenia. At the opening of the 14th International Agricultural Trade Fair—CAFT, Dejan Židan, in particular, focused attention on the knowledge and experience possessed by Slovenia in the field of

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Slovenian Milk for Chinese Buyers

The Ljubljanske Mlekarne Company is preparing to deliver the second batch of its products to China, which is 21 thousand litres of milk. The first batch (10 thousand litres) was successfully shipped to China more than a month ago. Besides the Ljubljanske Mlekarne Company, the official permission to export dairy products to China is also

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The Slovenian Company Marmor Hotavlje Will Manufacture Office Desks for the Apple

The Marmor Hotavlje Company specializes in the production of luxurious private yachts and furniture. 80% of their products are for export.

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